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Þeir framleiða efa - og okkur mun blæða

Umfjöllun NY Times og Mbl.is um vísindamann sem gagnrýndi loftslagsvísindin, á meðan hann þáði háar fjárhæðir frá eldsneytisfyrirtækjum, er mjög afhjúpandi.

Aðferðirnar eru svipaðar því sem tóbaksiðnaðurinn notaði, við að framleiða og viðhalda efasemdum um traustar vísindalegar niðurstöður, sem bentu á skaðsemi reykinga.

Nú nota fyrirtæki í olíu og gasgeiranum keypta "sérfræðinga" og allskonar miðla, fréttaveitur og samtök til að berjast fyrir hagsmunum sínum. OG á móti hagsmunum fólks og jarðarinnar.

Fjallað er um þetta í myndinn Merchants of doubt sem sýnd verður í Bíó Paradís 26. feb (á fimmtudaginn).


Sýningin er í boði jörð 101 (EARTH101) sem nokkrir einstaklingar sem umhugað er um loftslagsmálin hafa sett saman.

Í vikunni er líka boðið upp á margvíslega viðburði um loftslagsmálin. Sjá dagskrá:

February 25th – University of Iceland, Reykjavík:

The Ostrich or the Phoenix?: Dissonance or creativity in a changing climate

A lecture by Kevin Anderson, Professor of Energy and Climate Change at the University of Manchester and former Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research on the topic of confronting climate change. More information…

February 26th - Bíó Paradís, Reykjavík’s art-house cinema:

Merchants of Doubt: Screening and Q&A with Erik Conway

Earth101, in collaboration with Stockfish, European Film Festival in Reykjavik, presents the special screening of Robert Kennar’s shocking documentary Merchants of Doubt followed with a Q&A session with Professor Erik Conway, co-author, with Naomi Oreskes, of the famous book criticizing the deliberate production of misleading knowledge on climate change by stakeholders in the fossil fuel industry. More information…

February 27th - Bíó Paradís, Reykjavík’s art-house cinema:

Action4Climate: Global Documentary Challenge Winners

Earth101, in further collaboration with Stockfish, European Film Festival in Reykjavik, presents the screening of prize-winning films from the Action4Climate project, a global documentary challenge, developed and supervised by the Connect4Climate campaign of the World Bank, followed by a panel discussion on the project and its results. More information…

March 1st – University of Iceland, Reykjavík:

Hot future, cold war: Climate science and climate understanding

A conference moderated by Icelandic climatologist Halldór Björnsson with lectures by Gavin Schmidt, climatologist and director of NASA GISS, Erick Fernandes, an Adviser on Agriculture, Forestry & Climate Change at the World Bank, Kevin Anderson, Deputy Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Erik Conway, professor at Caltech and co-author of Merchants of Doubts with Naomi Oreskes, as well as Guðni Elísson, director of the Earth101 project and professor at the University of Iceland. More information…

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Bloggfærslur 23. febrúar 2015


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