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Lofsöngur um Hólaskóla

Vonandi fyrirgefst manni að höggva í sama knérunn. Fyrir nokkru var haldin fundur á Hólum í Hjaltadal um rannsóknir á tilurð tegunda. Einn fundargesta, Andrew Hendry, heldur úti bloggi um vistfræði og þróunarfræði. Hann gerði fundinum skil í pistli nýlega.

What better place to have a workshop on speciation than Iceland? This dynamic island has contributed so much to our modern understanding of how environmental differences can drive the evolution of reproductive isolation, so-called “ecological speciation”. As freshwater habitats were opened up following the last glaciation, Arctic char, threespine stickleback, and a few other fish species established new populations. These populations then adaptively radiated into new forms, most famously the four reproductively isolated types of Arctic char found in Thingvallavatn, the largest lake in Iceland.

Pistlar okkar um fundinn: Búum til tegundir..., Hólategundir.

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